What is the GST Identification Number (GSTIN)/ GST Number?
GSTIN or Goods and Services Tax Identification Number is a unique 15 digits alpha-numeric PAN-based code allotted to every registered person under Goods and Service Tax (GST). This GST number is provided to the GST taxpayer along with the GST registration certificate, and the GST number also allows tracking a registered Taxpayer. The GST No Check feature helps to carry GST No Search and Know your GST in India with the help of HSN code.
Why is it necessary to verify GSTIN or GST Number?
GST Number or Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) is essential as it helps in verifying the authenticity of a taxpayer registered under GST. There are many cases where individuals manipulate GST numbers (GSTIN) to evade taxes. In addition to this, the GST Number Search on Masters India Search Tab will help you attain transparency in all the business information and will help to ensure that you are filing correct GST Returns for a particular tax period. The GSTIN verification will also help to claim the Input Tax Credit (ITC) that you might lose in case of a fake/incorrect GSTIN.
GST Number Check feature or Verifying GSTIN is necessary to ensure that the Goods and Service Tax taxes land up in the right pockets. It is also an opportunity to contribute towards nation-building and attaining a transparent tax mechanism.